
Monday, September 28, 2009

chapters that create a story

Dawson has always had allergies, eczema, and asthma. Either one at a time or all at the same time. Ever since he was a baby his skin always felt like sandpaper and he itched and itched and itched!! We used every ointment, cream, lotion, steroid we could find. Nothing helped this poor kid. We used to tape oven mitts to his hands at night and he would get those off and just scratch till he bled. Then when his allergies got bad he was put on inhalers, more steroids, and antihistamines. He would be so full of medications that he wouldn't sleep for over 24 hours at times. We found out the hard way that he was allergic to peanuts, peas, peaches, soy, tree nuts, grass, blueberries, eggs and fish. When they call it projectile vomit.....they mean it!

At 3 Dawson was was finally tested by an allergist, and I wasn't going crazy or being over protective.......he really was allergic to everything!!

This led to some overnight stays in the hospital.

You knew when he wanted his pizza, he was feeling better!

Caitlin has some allergies too. She's allergic to dairy. This is what happens to her if she touches milk......

she breaks out in hives. Poor baby :(
So we don't eat out, I prepare everything homemade. I re-arrange recipes so everyone can eat.
I thank God for Dylan who can eat anything, touch anything, breathe anything and is totally fine!
It's hard sometimes, not taking care of them, but the constant mind games in trying to find out what causes it flair up when it does. Like last night out of the clear blue, Dawson's bottom lip started swelling up. We couldn't figure it out!
Just little chapters in our life that creates our little story. Life would be boring without chapters. :)

1 comment:

~Kimberly~ said...

Poor thing! I know how miserable those allergies can be...Hope he feels better soon!