
Saturday, July 11, 2009

conversations with Caitlin

Mom: Caitlin, are we best friends?
Caitlin: ( with a wrinkled up nose and eyes rolled ) NO!
Mom: Why not?
Caitlin: cuz you da mom!

Caitlin: OUCH!
Dawson: Sorry
Mom: what happened?
Caitlin: He touched my curly hair!

Caitlin: ( memorizing her scripture ) God made the heaven and the erf.
Mom: earth
Caitlin: erf
Mom: say eeerrrttthhh
Caitlin: eeeerrrffth

Mom: Caitlin you want some noodles?
Caitlin: Yes please, noodles and salt
Mom: You want noodles and sauce?
Caitlin: No, salt, say ssss.......alllllll.....t


greg said...

too funny. :)

janice said...

Caitlin is a trip. I just love her.