Not a pretty picture but this is step two for wheat grass. put the soaked seeds in dirt. Now we wait it out for a few days. I read that it needs indirect sunlight so a window sill should be good enough.
The kids think this is crazy. ( growing grass in a cup) but it was a great way to talk about how the Pilgrims came over and started their crops. They didn't have hoses to water, they had to pray for rain. They didn't have a grocery store to go pick up some bread all wrapped up, their grain had to grow first, then harvest it, and then pray some more that it produced enough to get through winter! The Pilgrims first winter in 1621 was a hard one, but the Lord took care of them and they had a day of Thanksgiving to pray and to praise God for taking care of them. They didn't have Thanksgiving every year after that, there was only a day of Thanksgiving when God brought people through a hard time. In 1789, G. Washington had a day of Thanksgiving for a new and free country. It was in 1860 that President Lincoln made the 4th Thursday in November a Thanksgiving Day.
My kids liked the lesson better than planting the seeds. :)
Wouldn't it be something if we all had to plan for Thanksgiving Day by raising a turkey, growing vegetables, fermenting grapes.......and only eating what we produced. I bet I couldn't feed myself let alone my whole be honest, I don't think I will be able to grow wheat grass! :) But if I can get an ounce of juice from my crop........and I hear your giggles when I say crop, I should say my "cup" of seeds, I will thank God!