
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

back to normal?

We took down all of our Christmas things and put them away last week end and we are trying to get back to normal, whatever that is.
We have started school again and seems like all is forgotten!
We are reading about inventors, because Dylan wants to be an inventor when he grows up. He says he is going to invent a rocket pack for Dawson when he gets big. We read about the Wright brothers yesterday and they had the same qualities as Dawson and Dylan. They were 4 years apart and had very different personalities but were always at each others side and could finish each others sentences. They thought that was funny.
We have also started doing current events. Dawson will read an article out of the news paper and write out in his own words what he just read about. He picked a story on what busts a budget the other day and found out fast food can really burn a hole in your pocket!

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