
Friday, September 12, 2008

Troys Bike

Troy loves the thrift store. Troy will bring home trash stuff from the thrift store and rave about the deal he got for $2.29

Yep. This rusted, falling apart, spray painted jewel was $2.29. What a deal! And it's now parked on our porch to look at everyday. And everybody knows how much Troy needed a bike because he rides his other bike so much.( little sarcasm there) The one that has been in the shed the last 12 years of our marriage.

He said he liked the seat on the bike, thats why he bought it. We looked it up on the internet and the brand new seat on this pile of rust is worth $ 45.oo. Go figure?


greg said...

I got an idea, you guys could auction it off on ebay :}

Tammy said...

I personally think that it is really cool! I love old stuff like that - it has so much character! You should put it out front leaning against a tree!