
Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh my goodness it's cold outside! I am not prepared for 30 degree weather! I took the kids out the other day to get real shoes. They only have flip flops and you can't wear socks with flip flops! Well.....I guess you could, but. We don't have any jackets either, so we have been layering up as many sweatshirts as we can to keep warm. I know we are light weights.
But the kids were hoping it would snow the other day. All we got was rain. They were pretty bummed out about it. They did get a kick out of seeing their breath when they blew out of their mouth.
I tried to make them feel better by roasting marshmallows outside over our grill. It worked for a little bit, till they said they couldn't feel their fingers anymore and wanted to go inside. yep, light weights!


greg said...

30 degree weather this time of year is t-shirt weather up here hehe.

Beth said...

I thought you would comment on this one....LOL