
Thursday, March 26, 2009

working on the house the past few days. it just seems like nothing is moving forward or getting finished. The kids rooms are moved but not put together yet. I painted Caitlins room pink and it seems to glow in the dark! The boys need a closet. It will look so nice when it's all done, I need to throw a party or something to give me a deadline. I work better under pressure. :)

other news...
Dylan got his 2nd grade work books in the mail the other day. He acted like it was a Christmas gift. He couldn't go to sleep until we did a couple pages.

Off to work on things, have a great day!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Believe me, I completely understand...make sure you take pics to show the progress. Sarah always reacts the same way when she gets her new stuff..usually find her with the books in a corner reading ahead. What a blessing! Love you, Tammy