Troy found some shutters on craigslist for free. I wanted to make Caitlin a headboard out of some of them. (weeks go by) and we finally got around to painting them and getting them up.
Here is what they looked like before
We painted them white and then I distressed them a little around the edges with sand paper. Troy put some wood on the back to hold everything together and then he hung them on the wall.
I love the way they turned out!
It's not completely done. I have been making pillow shams out of her old crib sheets and I don't have enough pillows. ( can you really have to many pillows? ) The pink pillow in the center is one of them.
So total cost was just a few dollars for spray paint. Shutters free, wood free! Happy MOM!!
Shout out of thanks to my husband who made it all perfect!!
That headboard turned out GORGEOUS!! I just love it! You are soooo creative and I just love creative people!
I love that i got a comment about it!!!! It's been very quiet lately! :)
I think it's cute...working on a dresser next!!
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